Lee Kelleher

Archive for posts tagged with 'Legacy'

  1. Working with XSLT using new XML schema in Umbraco 4.1

    Posted on . Estimated read time: 3 minutes (393 words)

    Most of the Umbraco community are aware that the XML schema in the upcoming Umbraco 4.1 release has changed. Instead of each document being a node element, the element name is the node-type alias, same with property values; they no longer use data elements with alias attributes. Here is a quick example, comparing the old/legacy with the new: <node id="1066" parentID="-1" level="1" nodeName="Home" ... nodeTypeAlias="Homepage" path="-1,1066"> <data alias="bodyText"><![CDATA[<p>Welcome to my homepage.</p>]]></data> </node> <Homepage id="1066" parentID="-1" level="1"…

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