Lee Kelleher

How to use umbraco.library GetMedia in XSLT for Umbraco v4.5

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This is a quick follow-up on my previous blog post: “How to use umbraco.library GetMedia in XSLT“.  At the request of fellow Umbraco South-West UK developer, Dan, that I should update the code snippets for the new XML schema in Umbraco v4.5+

First a quick notice; if you are using v4.5.0, then please upgrade to v4.5.1, as there was a tiny bug in GetMedia that caused great confusion and headaches – you have been advised!

Without further ado, the updated XSLT snippet that you came here for…

<xsl:template match="/">
	<xsl:variable name="mediaId" select="number($currentPage/mediaId)" />
	<xsl:if test="$mediaId > 0">
		<xsl:variable name="mediaNode" select="umbraco.library:GetMedia($mediaId, 0)" />
		<xsl:if test="$mediaNode/umbracoFile">
			<img src="{$mediaNode/umbracoFile}" alt="[image]" height="{umbracoHeight}" width="{umbracoWidth}" />

Any questions? Come join us over at Our Umbraco… we are a friendly bunch!