WordPress: “post.php” is blank after publishing
Whilst I was helping out Bookninja earlier this week, I came across a strange problem in WordPress.
Every time we tried to publish a new blog post (or page), there would be a pause, then the page would go blank.
(This was on the “post.php
” page)
I spent a long time trying to figure out what the issue was… even longer googling it!
Several pages into the Google results, I found the answer! Thank you Sean Deasy!
WordPress posting issue solved at last :)
It seems that Bookninja’s hijacker added a rogue URL to the notification/ping-list (http://www.newsisfree.com/RPCCloud), who knows why it was put there, but it was definitely the cause of the blank “post.php
” issue!
After removing the rogue URL, everything was working fine again!